Day 4.
Saturday, July 4, 2009

Hmm, It's the 3rd days since we're together. Hmm, Didn't meet you since 0107 till now. But will be meeting later. (: Hahas. But someone is still sleeping larhs. OMG !

Hmm, well I guess we're still quite okay for now. No quarrel, no arguement no nothing. Quite happy I can say? Enjoy the time with you. Hahas. But I don't know if you feel the same too. For I can't the happiness in you. I feel that you're happier with your friends, your gans and maybe Him. But not me. You always seems to sad.Seems unhappy. I don't know if it's because I think too much or it's the fact. But that's what I feel. I've tried my best not to quarrel with you. At least we both know how to give in to one another. That's prefectly fine.

As I say, it's only the 3rd days. Means we still have a very very long way to walk. Hahas. While we're walking, I'm very sure there's many obstacles, problems and difficulties. But I'm here with you to face all of them. I'll not let face them alone. Have faith in me and have faith in myself. I also will have in myself and you. I can feel your love, and I know you'll never leave. Yup, I'll not plan anything for future yet, for it's too early. We'll plan as we take every steps. Hahas.

I hope we'll last, I really for that. I sick and tired of changing girlfriend already. I'll try to use to not seeing you everyday. Let's suffer now, better than we suffer in the future. Though we won't be meeting much for the moment, but remember my love for you is always there too. When you're bored or face any problems, just a sms or a call and I'll be there. I know there's someone else there for you too. I don't need to be the first one you think of, HE can be the first one you think of. Ya? I'm fine with it. Really. Though I hope I'll and I can be the first one you'll think of, but think again, I may not the most important guy for you. Maybe it's him. But to me, you're the most important girl for me. I'm always worrying for you. Maybe my care, my concern and my love you still can't feel them. But I'll try to let you feel them. Really I'll try.

I miss you, and I love you. I shall end here. (: I hope 0107, will last forever. Remember NaughtyBoy is always for you. Love you loads

Signing for.
N.Boy (: