So Fast !.
Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Back from training today, sians. Competition is just one week from now. It's getting nearer and nearer. Won't be able to go see her competition, as kor kor don't let me go. But she'll be coming during my competition day itself. But I think she's coming to support for another team. But it's okay bahr. I understand. Sians. I miss her loads.

Our love doesn't come easy. As she've someone who she can't forget, and I've someone who I'll never forget either. Sorry, I won't want to forget about her and our past. But I'll not think about her and our past anymore. As it'd all become part of my memories. It's the past le. And I've let it go already. The present is all about C.SUCHING. I love you, and from 010709 I'll always love C.SUCHING. I dont want to lose you, I want you to be mine forever. I really don't want to have changes anymore. Hope this time round, everything will go on smoothly.

Will be meeting her either on wednesday if not jiu friday. I realise I can't get use to meet her a few days per week eh. I really miss her. I always want to be by her side. I'm still missing her kisses and hugges. Sians. Got nothing much to blog on, buais. I love you and I miss you loads. 010709 will last de, (:

Signing off.
N.Boy (: