Must always smile okay ?.
Thursday, August 20, 2009

Hmm, her mood suddenly change. Maybe because of a song, he ask her to find. And the song somehow is telling her how he feel bahr? Hahas. Whatever bahr? Won't think too much also. Just hope she'll not change her mind again bahr. Sians. She's really very soft-hearten. Hais. Really hope this time she's serious about it bahr? Somehow, I really think that they really love each other alot. Hais. But somehow maybe they aren't meant to be together bahr?

Just like me and HER, though we love each other so much in the past, many people though we'll last. And we though we could last too. But somehow it's just another dream only. Many people may think that it's her fault for leaving me. Cause she change heart. And many people blame her for that. I do blame her as well. But somehow, the fault is at me not her. I made her love for me faded, that's why the guy could touch her heart so easily. Hahas. From the day we break till now. I did really think about our past. For no point doing that. Think more will only feel hurt more. But whatever it is, she's happy with her life, and I'm happy with me life. Wahahas. That's good.

And my dear C.SuChing, can you please take care of yourself more! Don't always fall sick. And and, please don't be such a pig! Bleahs, but but. Just to let you know this. Baby love you loads larhs! Okay? Our road is still long eh. We still have alot alot more to understand, alot alot more to know each other de. Hahas. You're so silly. And and know something? I love your PIG FACE! Omg! Wahahas. Somehow I just love you loads larhs.

Wahahas. Shall end here le. Wahahas. Miss you loads larhs. I love you too! Hope tomorrow can meet you. And hope tomorrow I can pass my RTT.

signing off.
N.boy (: